Historicos del Precio del Agave
Mezcal has already taken its position as an ancestral drink, it is the progenitor of drinks such as tequila, raicilla, bacanora, sotol. Crops are generally wild and long-term, given such demand it is quite likely that their price will increase even more.
We promote the cultivation of commercial plantations of agave varieties salmiana, tobalá, cuishe, tepextate, cupreata, weberi that will have an exponential demand in the coming years. years.
We carry out associated productions, we participate with the technological and capital strategy, in order to bring the production to a successful conclusion where we share the profits from the benefits of this crop.
We select the variety of agave, according to the nature of the soil of the location.
We implemented the introduction of hectares of agave for each year of harvest, so that they have the possibility of obtaining an economic yield per year that allows them to continue growing.
We establish an associated production contract to guarantee the sale and the price with the mezcal companies.
If you have land and want to obtain good returns in the FUTURES markets, it is a good investment opportunity, we share risks and technological strategies.
No te dejes sorprender por un precio bajo, la tendencia historica es que quede entre 19.5 y 22 pesos por kilo de agave
La venta total de tequila sigue subiendo a nivel mundial, el diabólico plan de especular para crecer por monopolios les da resultado.
PRIMERO: Para extinguir fábricas competidoras suben los precios a $33 x kilo sin sentido, la cantidad de agave plantado era la misma que al día de hoy, que curiosamente solo algunos productores afiliados a los monopolios fueron beneficiados, pero las fábricas sin plantaciones cerraron o vendieron, como hay pocas fabricas demandantes de agave ahora se dan el lujo de bajar el precio del kilo de agave a menos de $5 pesos el kilo para deshacerse de muchos productores con GRANDIOSO RESULTADO para los monopolios en un crecimiento del 500 % en excelente plan extinción de competencia.
Eso de que hay bastante agave es un coto pagado por los grandes. El que entendió, entendió.
No pongas los huevos en solo una canasta, diversifica tu plantación. salte del monopolio.
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hours from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. p.m.
Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.