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La riqueza de agaves en México se debe  en gran parte a la hetereo-genidad del territorio con los diversos climas,  suelos, topografía, geología y a las propiedades intrínsecas de cada tipo de agave, tales como su plasticidad genética,  tolerancia ecológica, capacidad de dispersión, germinación de sus semillas, interacciones bióticas con otros organismos como los polinizadores,  por eso se puede definir que México es el lugar ideal para el desarrollo y prosperidad de  este tipo de cultivos.


Los AGAVES se encuentran en más del 75% del territorio nacional y su distribución es sumamente dispersa,  son muy prósperos en las zonas áridas  y semi-áridas del centro y  norte del país, y su número disminuye drásticamente hacia las zonas cálidas y húmedas del sur del país. De todas estas variedades solo 35 de ellas son usadas para realizar destilados, y de estas 35 variedades tan solo 12 son favorables para la extracción de azucares para las mieles de agave, para esta edición especial se han seleccionado el agave AZUL TEQUILANA WEBER  como base de preparación para la elaboración de TEQUILA

The wealth of agaves in Mexico is due  largely to the heterogeneity of the territory with the different climates,  soils, topography, geology and the intrinsic properties of each type of agave, such as its genetic plasticity,  ecological tolerance, dispersal capacity, seed germination, biotic interactions with other organisms such as pollinators,  that is why it can be defined that Mexico is the ideal place for the development and  prosperity of  these types of crops.


AGAVES are found in more than 75% of the national territory and their distribution is extremely dispersed,  they are very prosperous in arid areas  and semi-arid of the center and  north of the country, and their number decreases drastically towards the warm and humid areas of the south of the country. Of all these varieties only 35 of them are used to make mezcal, and of these 35 varieties only 12 are favorable for the extraction of sugars for agave honey or mezcal, for this special edition the SALMIANA agave has been selected as the base of a cocktail content or to combine with some preparations or concentrates, giving it  a homogeneous taste  to the prepared 



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In this type of oven, pineapples cook quite quickly, from 4 to 8 hours depending on the local climate. The induced heat is generally steam heated with gas, although we have occasionally seen steam heated with wood as well. The master mezcalero separates the woody aromas, seeking to provide a flavor of the   agave plant, hence all the so-called TEQUILAS  Jóvenes.


For reposados, añejos and extra-añejos you will seek to find a good flavor with sazón  pero ya  inside the white oak barrel.

Disc Mill 

DISC mill

Agave ripper and shredder from Ø3' to Ø6' by means of disc and hammers with a capacity of 50 to 200 tons of agave per day. Made of carbon steel, internally plated in stainless steel. Epoxy or electrostatic polyurethane paint finish for exteriors. 

Hedgehog Mill

Agave defibrator by means of sea urchin rotors with capacities from 200 to 400 tons of agave per day.

Hammer Mill

Agave defibrator by means of hammer rotors or chains with capacities from 200 to 400 tons of agave per day.

Knife Cutter.

Agave ripper by means of knives with capacities from 200 to 400 tons of agave per day.



Fermentation is an anaerobic biological process in which simple sugars, such as glucose and fructose, are transformed into ethanol and carbon dioxide by the action of yeasts (responsible for the fermentation process); These yeasts are microorganisms that, when they are in a medium rich in sugars, reproduce and generate large amounts of alcohol and CO2. Fermentation takes place in stainless steel vats.



Copper still distillation, used for this SPECIAL order, is fractionated by successively separating the liquids from the mixture, taking advantage of the difference between their boiling points.


It is very important that the master mezcalero knows  the degrees of evaporation of the different alcohols, the first evaporations are removed since they are methanols that evaporate from a temperature of 34.7  at 64.3 degrees.

The last evaporations or the tails are the propanols that evaporate from 82.4 to 99.4 degrees of temperature

  ETHANOLS  are those that evaporate from 78ºC to 82º c



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Botella de Vidrio de
1 L.  

Botella Newton Especial blanco de litro


Características de Fabricación


State:_______________________________________ San Luis Potosi
  Mexquitic Municipality
Maguey employee:_________________________
Master mezcalero:_________________________ Daniel Rodriguez.
Type of oven:_______________________________ Masonry.
Grinding type:___________________________ Mechanical
Fermentation vat type:____________
  Stainless steel tubs.
Water used for fermentation:___
Distiller type:_________________________
  Copper alembic.
Number of distillations:________________
   Double distillation.
Adjustment of alcoholic strength:__________
  3 % 
Distillation date:______________________
   NOVEMBER 2, 2021.
Alcoholic wealth:________________________
   38% .
Liters produced:_________________________
   1000 Liters.
Lot: ________________________________________
Bottle number:________________________
Content ml:______________________________

Características de Comercialización

  • - botella de 1000 ml.

  • - Precio puesto en patios de la fábrica.

  • - Tiempo de entrega 28 días.

  • - Forma de pago 50% de anticipo y el resto contra entrega.

  • - Tipo de pago Transferencia interbancaria. 

  • - Nombre del Banco: BANAMEX

  • - Cuenta del cliente: 3617149

  • - Clave de transferencias 0027 0070 0614 6238 24

  • - Clave swift: BNMXMXMM

  • - Nombre del Cliente: Gerardo Carrillo Mendoza.

  • - Sucursal Bancaria: TANGAMANGA.

  • - Dirección de la sucursal Bancaria: Manuel J. Cloutier N.227

  • - Codigo Postal. 781216

  • - Municipio: San Luis Potosí.

  • - País: México.

  • - Pallet o tarima  55 cajas

  • - Peso por caja : 15.600 kg

  • - Peso por Pallet : 858 kg

  • - Tamaño del Pallet  de 120 cm ancho, 110 cm largo y 160 cm alto con 55 cajas de 12 botellas.

Lista de Empaque Exportación

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Netsatelital SA de CV (Marketing Company)

RFC: NET150709QQ1

M. Abasolo 140-A, 

Col. San Sebastian, Cp. 78349,

San Luis Potosi  PFS  Mexico.


444 510 7483   WhatsApp

444 251 0429   Mobile

444 418 5185   Office

Grupo Corporativo Agave Productores
 Tequila en en whatsapp
Desarrollo demarcas Telefono
mezcal en telegram
Desarrollo de marcas Telefono

2019. All rights Reserved

Avyssat  SA  from  CV . (CORPORATE)

RFC : AVY050805SE3

ALTUS Building,

Sierra Leone N. 360, 

Col. Villa Antigua, CP. 78214 

San Luis Potosi  PFS  Mexico.


444 183 5697 

444 183 4482


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